From Pine View Farm

Moderation . . . (Updated) 4

. . . is for labor disputes.

Not for dealing with with fanatics.


Steve has more.

Of course, moderate Republicans are a dead breed. They died when Jerry Ford and Ev Dirksen and folks like them left positions of power (We won’t mention the sad fate of Nelson Rockefeller, who, unlike David Vitter, didn’t have to pay for it, and, unlike Larry Craig, didn’t search for it under restroom walls).

What we have left are great masses of the citizenry who think that the Republican Party of their youth still exists, while what they have is a party taken over by NeoCons and other Fanatics.

Oh, my God, when will this nightmare end?



  1. Opie

    September 19, 2007 at 9:40 pm

    When the Democrats see it and move to the middle?

  2. Bill

    September 20, 2007 at 8:42 pm

    And moderate Democrats are alive and well? The Democratic party of my youth still exists? Tell me where…

    I doubt either Scoop Jackson or John Kennedy would feel at home in the modern day Democratic party.

  3. Steven Reynolds

    September 21, 2007 at 7:35 am

    Thanks for the link, Frank. This topic is important to me because I was raised by moderate Republicans, and havemarried one. Alas, my wife hasn’t voted for too many Republicans in her lifetime, the Party has changed so much. Folks like Lincoln Chafee leaving the Party are telling signs that the Party needs to change or lose all moderation, and a whole bunch more elections in the process.

  4. Karen

    September 24, 2007 at 7:18 am

    I’m hoping that an Independant candidate will show up, because with what’s running now, there isn’t much to pick from. On either side.