May, 2014 archive
The Adventure of the Empty House 0
According to James Howard Kunstler, it’s not just a Sherlock Holmes story; it’s life in these United States (as politicians are wont to say) today. A nugget:
Do read the rest, especially the to-do list at the end. Frankly, there’s not an item on it that I can take exception to.
The Entitlement Society, Men Are Pigs Dept. 0
At Wednesday’s DL, we naturally discussed the Santa Barbara shooter and his strange manipulative belief that he was entitled to sex with any and every woman just because he wanted it.
The women who were present at our gathering told scary stories from their own experiences. The bit that took me most aback was their agreeing that they do not wear skirts when they go out to clubs with their significant others; too often they have walked across the floor to a table or the restroom only to have strange men stick hands up their skirts just because the men felt entitled to feel up any woman within reach.
If you wonder whether “rape culture” is a real thing, think about that for a moment.
Gina Barreca comments:
Follow the link. Read the rest.
Update from the Foreclosure-Based Economy 0
This golf course development is in the trap.
So much for that title search thingee.
Attorneys say it appears the loan, which is still tied to the homeowners’ properties, was not discovered during title searches when the homes were bought. About 16 homeowners and additional land in Fox Den are affected by the foreclosure, according to attorneys.
The more news I read, the more I wonder whether some “real estate developers” are just one three-piece suit away from duping rubes at a carny.
The Tunes They Are a-Changing . . . 0
. . . and the Booman suspects he knows why (emphasis added):
In related news, Bill Maxwell totals the cost of denialism.
ISO SNW–Sexy New War 0
Dan Simpson explains supply and demand, but for one small error.
He’s got it backwards. This is not supply and demand, it’s demand and supply.
Read the rest.
Dustbiter 0
Another bank bites the dust, because, natch, bankers are financial geniuses. If they weren’t, they wouldn’t be bankers, now would they?
My father was a banker, one of integrity. Were he alive today, he would be ashamed to admit his profession.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
A clean lifestyle is a polite lifestyle.
The unidentified victim suffered a gunshot wound to leg from a bullet that went through one of the walls of the home in the 5200 block of Winding Way, near Midway and Meridian Roads, around 7:15 p.m., said Solano County Sheriff’s Deputy Daryl Snedeker.
This sort of event is not an accident. It’s garden variety stupid. This is yet another person too stupid to touch a firearm.
Facebook Frolics 0
Now that’s the ticket!
“A House Divided against Itself . . .” 1
Anne Laurie at Balloon Juice posted this so I don’t have to (and, frankly, I had not realized it in its entirety-that’s why I read stuff, to learn–but she is spot on: there are those who divide us to gain their own ends).
If the Past Predicts the Future . . . 0
If decisions Steve Ballmer makes for the LA Clippers are as good as the ones he made at Microsoft, the Clippers are headed for the cellar and destined to remain there for a long, long time.
A Belt at the Belt 2
Michael Austin is professor of psychology and a professing Christian. The Christianity that he professes is the kind of Christianity that I grew up with, one that focuses on love and forgiveness, not on hate and vengeance.
At Psychology Today Blogs, he explores the essential hypocrisy behind the “Myth of the Bible Belt” by contrasting the Christ of the Bible with the Christ of the Bible Belt.
- love of God
- love of one’s neighbor (no matter their religious beliefs, or lack thereof)
- transformation of one’s character
- care for the “least of these” (i.e., the poor and marginalized) in society.1
If the criteria from the New Testament are applied to our behavior, then atheist high school students wouldn’t receive text messages that say “Hey, Satan.” And atheists wouldn’t lose their family and friends because of their lack of religious faith. To reject someone or cut them out of your life because they are an atheist is one of the least Christian things one can do.
Read the rest, then read Matthew 6:5.
There Will Be a Hot Time in The Old Town Tonight 0
Just read this.
No one can be more skeptical of home-schooling than I (mostly because of the predilections of some home-schoolers), but, really, wow.